Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupts, mandatory evacuations ordered for more than 1,000 people
Red molten lava continued to spurt into the sky Friday morning hours after Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupted, forcing officials to issue widespread evacuation orders to more than 1,500 residents.
By Amy Lieu, Lucia I. Suarez Sang / Fox News  

Earthquakes hit Hawaii volcano
NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - A series of earthquakes hit Hawaii's Big Island, where a volcano is spewing lava, on Friday. The latest quake, at about 12:33 p.m. local time, registered a preliminary magnitude of 6.9, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.  That would be the largest quake to hit the island in 40 years.
SCIENCE - Federal scientist cooked climate change books ahead of Obama presentation, whistle blower charges.
A key Obama administration scientist brushed aside inconvenient data that showed a slowdown in global warming in compiling an alarming 2015 report that coincided with the White House participation in the Paris Climate Conference, a whistle blower is alleging.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a major 2013 report, concluded global temperatures had shown a smaller increase from 1998 to 2012 than any similar period over the past 30 to 60 years. But a blockbuster, June 2015 paper by a team of federal scientists led by Thomas Karl,...

Published February 07, 2017 - Foxnews - 

Iron 'jet stream' detected in Earth's outer core
By Jonathan AmosBBC Science Correspondent, San Francisco 19 December 2016

All Those Climate Change Pledges Are A Farce, New York Times Says
After decades spent playing up the dangers of a warming planet, the New York Times admits that even if every country lived up to their current carbon reduction pledges, it won't make any difference.
Pointing to a "new analysis,' the Times notes that the planet would still heat up by 6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is too high to prevent global catastrophes from raining down.
The analysis comes from Climate Interactive, which is the source of carbon calculations used by the U.S. and other governments. It concluded the current pledges — made in advance of the big Paris conference on climate change — would reduce the expected global warming to 6.3 degrees, from 8.1 degrees that would occur without those pledges.
09/28/2015 04:38 PM - Capital Hill  - Political & Economic Analysis

New Free Download Ebook: Doubt and Certainty in Climate Science
By Alan Longhurst
Doubt and Certainty in Climate Science is an important new book that everyone should read.  And its free. It is a privilege to make available to you the book Doubt and Certainty in ClimateScience, by Alan Longhurst [link Longhurst final  to download the book].
The book is 239 pages long, with 606 footnotes/references.  The book is well written, technical but without equations – it is easily accessible to anyone with a technical education or who follows the technical climate blogs.
In this post I provide a brief overview of the book, biosketch of Alan Longhurst, some additional backstory on the book, and my own comments on the book.

The Preface provides some interesting history, here are some excerpts:
But more recently, I became troubled by what seemed to be a preference to view the climate as a global stable state, unless perturbed by anthropogenic effects, rather than as a highly complex system having several dominant states, each having a characteristic return period imposed on gradual change at millennial scale. The research of H.H. Lamb and others on the natural changes of regional and global climate of the Holocene appeared to be no longer of interest, and the evidence for anthropogenic climate change was being discussed as if it was reducible to change in a single value that represented global surface temperature...

Posted on September 20, 2015 
Climate change a UN hoax to end democracy, Abbott's chief business advisor says
Climate change is a trick used by the United Nations in a bid for world domination, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s chief business advisor.
The chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council, Maurice Newman, made the allegations in a column published in the Australian on Friday.
Under the subheading, “The international body’s real agenda is a new world order under its control”, Mr Newman wrote that the real agenda behind the push for climate change action was “concentrated political authority”.
“This is not about facts or logic,” he said.
“It’s about a new world order under the control of the UN. It is opposed to capitalism and freedom.”

By SBS - 8 MAY 2015 - 9:48 AM  UPDATED 9 HOURS AGO
In 50-49 vote, US Senate says climate change not caused by humans
WASHINGTON — The Senate rejected the scientific consensus that humans are causing climate change, days after NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration declared 2014 the hottest year ever recorded on Earth.
The Republican-controlled Senate defeated a measure Wednesday stating that climate change is real and that human activity significantly contributes to it. Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, offered the measure as the Senate debated the Keystone XL pipeline, which would tap the carbon-intensive oil sands in the Canadian province of Alberta.
The Senate voted 50-49 on the measure, which required 60 votes in order to pass.
“Only in the halls of Congress is this a controversial piece of legislation,” Schatz said.

By Sean Cockerham, McClatchy Washington Bureau - Posted Jan. 22, 2015, at 6:59 a.m

Global Warming Skeptics In Gov’t Stay Silent Under Obama 
There are government scientists and researchers who are skeptical of man-made global warming — they just won’t speak up about it, according to two seasoned climate scientists.
“There are skeptics in NASA and NOAA, a good number. But they are quiet. They know in this administration, they don’t speak out,” John Christy, a veteran climate scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, told AL.com.
Science & Skepticism
 - April 2, 2015 
'97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong
If you’ve ever expressed the least bit of skepticism about environmentalist calls for making the vast majority of fossil fuel use illegal, you’ve probably heard the smug response: “97% of climate scientists agree with climate change” — which always carries the implication: Who are you to challenge them?
The answer is: you are a thinking, independent individual–and you don’t go by polls, let alone second-hand accounts of polls; you go by facts, logic and explanation. Here are two questions to ask anyone who pulls the 97% trick.

FORBESENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 1/06/2015 @ 2:12PM by Alex Epstein
Global Warming or A New Ice Age? Posted on December 27, 2014.
Scientist Confesses: A Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam
Imagine, for a moment, sitting at a prestigious steakhouse in Palm Beach, Florida, a hot spot for some of the most wealthy and famous — Donald Trump, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, James Patterson, Rush Limbaugh, and hundreds more.
And, imagine dining with a handful of men you’ve only read about. Some of them are worth millions, others published best-selling books, and some have held prominent positions at the White House.
In essence, you’re sitting at a five-person table of VIPs.
You’re about to take a bite of your New York strip when one of the men, a top U.S. intelligence agent, slams a 164-page document in the middle of the table.
This document, you soon find out, contains damning evidence that a network of politicians, corporations, and scientists have conspired together to promote the fear of “global warming” . . . despite evidence clearly stating no such “global warming” exists.
The motive: $22 billion per year...
Thursday, 04 Dec 2014 05:55 AM - MONEY NEWS
by Tom Loungo
Here's How Little Time We Have Until Global Warming Is Out Of Control 
Sat, Sep 13, 2014, 3:40AM EDT 
The news is in: humans are totally failing in the global effort to stop climate change. And we don't have much time left.

Tornadoes May Be Twisted by Climate Change
Researchers suspect a link between global warming and changes in tornado weather in the U.S. Given the high sensitivity inherent in tornado formation and the lack of any clear pattern in tornado events, scientists have been cautious in linking the storms to climate change in any way. But they are starting to notice certain trends, namely when tornadoes are occurring. When tornadoes form and reach down to the Earth in sinister columns of 100 mph winds, they do so for so many highly specific reasons that it's almost impossible to predict where they might hit or how strong they will be.
Aug 18, 2014 |By Henry Gass and ClimateWire - SCIENTIFIC AMERICA

Climate Change Puzzle Confuses Scientists
The scientific community seems to be confused about the climate change. Zhengyu Liu, a professor at the Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin, says that there are “robust contradictions” between two different studies. That’s why when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change requested data to show global temperature trends over the past 10,000 years, Liu knew there would be contradictions, confusions and problems.

by Vikas Shukla  August 12, 2014, 11:45 am 
Climate scientist drops the F-bomb after startling Arctic discovery 
Sometimes, you've just got to tell it like it is 
There’s nothing like Twitter to take a complicated issue and force you to break it down to its essence. In a case where scientists in the Arctic discovered massive plumes of methane escaping from the seafloor, climatologist and Arctic expert Jason Box sums that essence up thusly:

If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd.
— Jason Box (@climate_ice)
July 29, 2014
  Lindsay Abrams - SALON
Scientists may have cracked the giant Siberian crater mystery — and the news isn’t good
Researchers have long contended that the epicenter of global warming is also farthest from the reach of humanity. It’s in the barren landscapes of the frozen North, where red-cheeked children wear fur, the sun barely rises in the winter and temperatures can plunge dozens of degrees below zero. Such a place is the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia, translated as “the ends of the Earth,” a desolate spit of land where a group called the Nenets live.
By Terrence McCoy August 5 2014 - WASHINGTON POST
Extreme Weather Hits Poorest Hardest Poor communities have the fewest resources to cope with climate change
As extreme weather events likely connected to the planet's warming climate become increasingly common, low-income communities are positioned to suffer the worst consequences during the aftermath of natural disasters, write the authors of a report from the Center for American Progress called "One Storm Shy of Despair." 
Jul 28, 2014 |By Benjamin Hulac and ClimateWire
NASA sounds red alert over solar flare that nearly wiped out human civilization two summers ago
(NaturalNews) The news you are about to read should be front page news everywhere. There is arguably nothing more important to humanity's survival than the alarming facts presented in this report from NASA, yet most of the world pretends this event never happened in 2012, and they falsely assume it won't happen again
Monday, July 28, 2014 - by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Tags: NASA warningCoronal Mass Ejectioncivilization collapse 
Updated Earthquake Map Shakes Up Risk Zones
Parts of 42 states are at risk of earthquakes during the next 50 years, according to a new report from the U.S. Geological Survey - LIVESCIENCE By Laura Geggel, Staff Writer, 12 hours ago. July 17 2014

A new survey says the vast majority of the nation is at risk of "experiencing damaging ground shaking from an earthquake in the next 50 years."Published July 19th 2014, 1:03 amNIGHTLY NEWS
Latest State of the Climate: Yup, Still Getting Hotter 
The annual State of the Climate is in, and for readers looking forward to cracking a beer and diving into the 275-page report, read no further. Spoiler Alert: The planet is still getting hotter.
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association issues a report each year compiling the latest data collected by scientists from around the world. Here’s a review, in six charts, of some of the climate highlights from 2013.

By Tom Randall  Jul 17, 2014 8:13 PM GMT+0200 

Deforestation: The Over-Looked Climate Driver and What You Can Do About It
Posted: 07/17/2014 3:15 pm EDT Updated: 07/17/2014 8:59 pm EDT
Earth's Magnetic Field Flip Could Happen Sooner Than Expected
Changes measured by the Swarm satellite show that our magnetic field is weakening 10 times faster than originally predicted, especially over the Western Hemisphere
Jul 9, 2014 |By Kelly Dickerson and LiveScience
U.S. Military May Be the Strongest Force in Battle Against Climate Change.
Fear is a potent force in American politics. It is the force that sustains the War on Terror, the latest calls for further military interventions in Iraqi and Syrian civil wars, and Obama's use of drones on multiple continents. At the same time, fear about the threat of climate change has proven sharply divisive. Appeals to scientific consensus from the left have encountered strong resistance from the right; according to conservatives, "scare tactics" about the threat posed by global warming have not worked. But Republican aversion to scientific rationality is coming under attack from an unexpected direction: the U.S. defense establishment, hardly a hotbed of environmental radicalism, is sounding the alarm about the security threat of climate change.

Posted: 07/14/2014 4:01 pm EDT Updated: 07/14/2014 4:59 pm EDT
You May Be Denying Climate Change, But The US Military Isn't
Climate change is still a contentious issue, as some people and organizations deny it is even happening, or concede the world is getting warmer, but it's not because of humans.
The U.S. military is not one of those organizations.

What really annoys scientists about the state of the climate change debate?
From misinformed politicians who should 'shut up', to a failure of large parts of society to grasp reality, climate scientists reveal their bugbears. Posted by Graham Readfearn -
04.58 BST -  PLANETOZ 
Climate Change Goes Underwater
126 JUN 29, 2014 6:03 PM EDTBy The Editors
When it comes to climate change, almost all the attention is on the air. What's happening to the water, however, is just as worrying -- although for the moment it may be slightly more manageable.

GOP Science Committee Chair Begins Hearing By Saying Scientific Climate Change Consensus Has Been “Debunked“ We should focus on good science, rather than politically correct science.”
Last Thursday the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held a hearing to examine the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Process. 
posted on June 2, 2014, at 10:54 p.m. - By Andrew Kaczynski  BuzzFeed Staff
The Antarctic Melt: Under the Sea - Posted by Jerry Beilinson 
May 30, 2014 - THE NEW YORKER
It’s been an exciting news month for the polar ice sheets. A study published on May 28th in the journal Nature indicated that, fourteen thousand six hundred years ago, the rapid shedding of Antarctic icebergs raised the world’s median ocean levels by six and a half feet in a little more than a hundred years. That bit of paleoclimatology comes on the heels of a pair of studies, published two weeks ago, concluding that glaciers in the West Antarctic have passed a tipping point and are now doomed to disintegrate and melt. 

Earth's magnetic field is important for climate change at high altitudes
New research, published this week, has provided scientists with greater insight into the climatic changes happening in the upper atmosphere. Scientists found that changes in the Earth's magnetic field are more relevant for climatic changes in the upper atmosphere (about 100-500 km above the surface) than previously thought. Understanding the cause of long-term change in this area helps scientists to predict what will happen in the future. This has key implications for life back on earth.
May 27 2014 - GEOLOGY PAGE
A 40-Year-Old Magazine Article Still Haunts Climate Scientists Today
"The central fact is that, after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the Earth seems to be cooling down. Meteorologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend, as well as over its specific impact on local weather conditions. But they are almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century." – Newsweek: April 28, 1975
House Directs Pentagon To Ignore Climate Change
WASHINGTON -- The House passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill on Thursday that would bar the Department of Defense from using funds to assess climate change and its implications for national security.
Kate Sheppard - HUFFINGTON POST - Posted: 05/23/2014 6:37 pm EDT Updated: 05/23/2014 6:59 pm EDT
Collapse of Antarctic ice sheet is underway and unstoppable but will take centuries.
A new study by researchers at NASA and the University of California at Irvine finds a rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears to be in an irreversible state of decline, with nothing to stop the glaciers in this area from melting into the sea.
By Darryl Fears, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 3:10 AM  - The Washington Post
Video : ScienceCasts: No Turning Back - West Antarctic Glaciers in Irreversible Decline.
A new study led by NASA researchers shows that half-a-dozen key glaciers in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are in irreversible decline. The melting of these sprawling icy giants will affect global sea levels in the centuries ahead.
Visit http://science.nasa.gov/ for more - Published on May 13, 2014
Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says
Rapid changes in the churning movement of Earth's liquid outer core are weakening the magnetic field in some regions of the planet's surface, a new study says. - Kimberly Johnson for National Geographic News - June 30, 2008
The Earth's Magnetic Field Impacts Climate: Danish study
COPENHAGEN (AFP) -- The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming.
Forget global warming, worry about the MAGNETOSPHERE:
Earth's magnetic field is collapsing and it could affect the climate and wipe out power grids Earth's magnetic field has weakened by 15 per cent over the last 200 years Could be a sign that the planet's north and south poles are about to flip If this happens, solar winds could punch holes into the Earth's ozone layer This could damage power grids, affect weather and increase cancer rates Evidence of flip happening in the past has been uncovered in pottery. As the magnetic shield weakens, the spectacle of an aurora would be visible every night all over the Earth
PUBLISHED: 12:38 GMT, 27 January 2014 | UPDATED: 17:25 GMT, 31 January 2014
Climate Change Is Harming Economy, Report Says
White House Says Urgent Action Needed; Report Details Effects in Every State
Updated May 6, 2014 8:40 p.m. ET
National Climate Assessment
Climate Change Impacts in the United States - A U.S Global Research Program
California Drought Could Impact World Food Prices
Elizabeth Lee -  January 27, 2014 12:06 PM
LOS ANGELES — Southern California, where many fruits and vegetables for the country are grown, is experiencing a recording-breaking drought, which could impact world food prices in 2014.
The loudest climate change wake-up call
05/05/14 08:59 PM—UPDATED 05/06/14 02:55 PM - By Ned Resnikoff and Jane C. Timm - MSNBC
Climate Change Is Already Here, Says Massive Government Report
Posted: 05/06/2014 8:30 am EDT Updated: 59 minutes ago
Nowhere to Run: Climate Change Will Affect Every Region of U.S.
BY BILL BRIGGS AND TRACY CONNOR - NBC News' Alan Boyle and Helen Popkin contributed to this report.
First published May 6th 2014, 7:47 pm
Is the IPCC Government Approval Process Broken? 
About the Author Robert N. Stavins is the Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Government, Director of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program, and Chairman of the Environment and Natural Resources Faculty Group.
Posted on April 25, 2014 
Climate Efforts Falling Short, U.N. Panel Says
By JUSTIN GILLIS APRIL 13, 2014 - The New York Times
Megavolcanoes tied to pre-dinosaur mass extinction: Apparent sudden climate shift could have analog today
Summary: Scientists examining evidence across the world say they have linked the abrupt disappearance of half of earth's species 200 million years ago to a precisely dated set of gigantic volcanic eruptions. The eruptions may have caused climate changes so sudden that many creatures were unable to adapt -- possibly on a pace similar to that of human-influenced climate warming today. The extinction opened the way for dinosaurs to evolve and dominate the planet for the next 135 million years.
March 21, 2013 - Science Daily
Source: The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Climate Science: A Problem of Tyranny. 
A personal statement of the "climate skeptic" position. We maintain that the hypothesis of harmful Anthropogenic Global Warming, as currently handled by the IPCC, Al Gore, James Hansen, the RealClimate website, nearly all of the top scientific organizations, and most of the media, is a travesty of Science. We are aware that the warming that has happened recently is well within the range of natural causes. We maintain that many of the temperature records, as presented to the public, are highly questionable.
updated 5th February 2011
Magnetic Field Changes Climate 
NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL – MAY 2009
Scientists find world's biggest snake
'Titanic' boa fossils provide clues to past tropical climate. by Roberta Kwok - Nature International Weekly Journal of Science.
Published online 4 February 2009