(As above so below! August 21, 2018)
Racism in America and Europe - Even in Politic, Churches, Spiritual Organizations and Elsewhere. How does it Affects Mentally the Well-being of the Next Generations?
It's even deeper and rooted in spiritual organizations, too. Which explains everything we go through with the pyramid project and climate change, even when it concerns the interest of protecting planet earth to secure the future of our children and grandchildren. But that is ok. Sugmad, God, Jehovah, Ra, the Mahanta's consciousness (The Six Stars Branches of David, etc.) Krishna, Allah the merciful, etc., is in control. IT allows people to be! Churches around the world, I read on the news are becoming empty places of divine sharing and worship; people are no longer trusting the beauty of the hearty experiences of love relationship or even valuing the sacredness of marriage as commanded by God; and furthermore, people are losing confidence in their spiritual and political leaders to lead with moral and integrity, etc.; children are being confused with the ideology of gender because their parents are falling to loving them responsibly by keeping themselves educated so they could educate them at home; laws are being approved in France supposedly allowing children the right for a sexual consent with an adult, etc., I read on the news. |
So the child guilelessness is now being exploited in the name of politic and church; the divine energy and purity of children are no longer protected by our society, whereas, our ancestors fought harshly against those negative forces to provide us with a sane state of mind, which has impacted us today with a positive and moral view of life. But then, it all comes out to the divine concept of trust between the closed doors. Because God is always there! If nothing is done to protect the next generations (our children and grandchildren) with tough laws, then which "kind" of mentally balanced men and women will populate the earth planet and lead society with righteousness? Perhaps before electing leaders in Congress and in Leadership positions, we should scrutinize their religious belief, etc., and their conduct in society. Because they are those who were supposed to protect the children.
Although it's part of God's love for souls spiritual training to gain spiritual maturity and experiences through learning by wrongdoing, however, everything we touch and see, we do include speeches and intentions beyond our words always leave a spiritual fingerprint. One day, in this lifetime or in the next to come, we (as soul, an immortal spiritual being) would have to look back and clean after if we hope to rise in spiritual consciousness with the Light of God. Then, we must be ready as a soul (immortal spiritual being created in God's image) to accept the divine price as a settlement to pay for our spiritual mess. It's all right! So. Let's be wise and spiritually conscious in all we do! Because. No one is above the law in a responsible society managed by accountable and serious governments. Sincerely C.B.M (Article initially written for Facebook-Germany, August 10, 2018) |
Well, I guess everything, is, in, its, divine order, for every soul, regardless of their spiritual service or position in churches, politics, etc., in this big spiritual game of the spiritual book of life. Are you playing your divine part, by being your true self? Nevertheless, each of us as a soul eventually will be held accountable for our behaviors in this lifetime or in the next to come. It's called spiritual responsibility: karma (good or bad) created individually, collectively, as a race, a nation, a tribe, etc. Of course, no one is perfect. Yet, at a certain level of position or service to life it is required from us to manifest the highest expression of God's virtue and divine love; an example of the Light to other spiritually immature or sleeping souls.
The Effects of Meditation on Children in School - Compilation
History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.” -Nelson Mandela
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” -Frederick Douglas “It is a wise father that knows his own child.” -William Shakespeare |
“Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth, those who care for and protect our people.!" -Nelson Mandela
“It takes a village to raise a child.” - African proverb |
Teaching Your Children How to Meditate
Can teaching your children how to meditate at an early age positively affect their life? Sue Shellenbarger joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero to discuss. Photo: Erin Simpson - Wall Street Journal - Published on Nov 18, 2015
Can teaching your children how to meditate at an early age positively affect their life? Sue Shellenbarger joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero to discuss. Photo: Erin Simpson - Wall Street Journal - Published on Nov 18, 2015
Meditation-which come in many variations-has long been acknowledged as a tool to master the mind and cope with stress.Meditation-which come in many variations-has long been acknowledged as a tool to master the mind and cope with stress. Science is increasingly validating those claims, especially for depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Over 600 research studies on one form of meditation, Transcendental Meditation, indicate the positive effects of this stress reducing technique. Mental Health America
They Inspired Our Society by Saying:
We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees. -Qwatsinas * * * “The mother is the first teacher of the child. The message she gives that child, that child gives to the world.” “Education is an important element in the struggle for human rights. It is the means to help our children and thereby increase self-respect. Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” “Never allow your enemies to educate your children.” - Malcolm X |
"The most startling fact in the world to-day is this: the human race has made a gigantic material advance, but it has not made a corresponding moral advance. Whether all this material progress is going to be used for good or for evil depends on what we are morally."
- American Magazine, April, 1922.
- American Magazine, April, 1922.
Video 1: The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act - Video 2: FBI and BCSO Targeting Crimes Against Children
- Links: Governments, Public and Private Advocates for Children
" Ce sont les petits malheurs de chacun qui composent un malheur général. "
Montesquieu ; Arsace et Isménie (1730)
“ On appelle bonnes moeurs les moeurs habituelles. Mauvaises moeurs, celles auxquelles on n'est point accoutumé. ” -Anatole France, Artiste, écrivain |
" L'Évangile est le plus beau présent que Dieu ait pu faire aux hommes." -Montesquieu ; Les pensées diverses (1717-1755)
" Les lois inutiles affaiblissent les lois nécessaires. "-Montesquieu ; De l'esprit des lois (1748) " Un amour bien violent n'a de règle ni de loi. "-Montesquieu ; Arsace et Isménie (1730) |
Video 1: The Responsibility of Parents over their Children- Video 2: All Live Matters (Malcolm X)
Kids Know Your Rights (PDF Article)
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10 Basic Tips on How to Protect Your Child
School Replaces Detention with Meditation: An elementary school in Baltimore is using meditation instead of traditional punishments. The school says the program has helped reduce behavior problems.
Protecting Ourselves and Each Other- A Child Rights and Protection Resource (PDF Article)
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The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Expert)
Protecting Children From Sexual Abuse (PDF)
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