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Why did ancient civilizations invest so much energy toward the construction of the Pyramids? What did these buildings contribute to their survival and what impact might they have today on the preservation of humanity in a world increasingly subject to natural catastrophes and climactic anomalies?
In his first book entitled " The Pyramid’s Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth’s Magnetic Field and Climate Change," the author addresses these questions backed by relevant scientific research.
The current book is an opportunity for him to retrace his steps, starting with events from his childhood, and including the development of the personal and spiritual beliefs that lead him to undertake this important project.
He writes of the problems and deceptions that he encountered in his travels from the American continent to Europe, as well as his determination to accomplish the mission that was conferred on him by God.
Date of publication: February 16, 2018.
Paper format available on Amazon! Click Here to read the first free pages or to order from Amazon For Kindle version click here
- George Washington, Founding Father and President of the United States.
"When words and music meet, what role do they have in triggering transformational experience in the listener? Songs contain musical and verbal messages. As opposed to instrumental music, whose nature is closer to the vague and dynamic realm of emotion, lyrics are more meaning-specific because of the content of their words. When these two dissimilar components (emotional and cognitive) get together in a song, they form a gestalt. Although they form the holistic entity that is a song, can we assume that melody and lyrics share an equal role in musical experience? How do these two elements interact with each other affecting our perception, mood, and behavior?"
- José Maria Garcia de Medeiros Silva, Ph.D.
Date of Publication: August 31, 2016
Available on Amazon
Pourquoi les civilisations anciennes ont-elles investi tant d’énergie dans la construction des Pyramides, quelle importance avaient ces édifices sur leur survie et quel impact peuvent-elles avoir aujourd’hui sur la préservation de l’Humanité, dans un monde de plus en plus soumis aux catastrophes naturelles et dérèglements climatiques ? C’est à ces questions que l’auteur, à la lumière de plusieurs recherches scientifiques, a tenté de répondre dans un premier livre paru en 2011, intitulé : Les Mystères des Pyramides Résolues : Les Solutions Scientifiques aux Problèmes Relatifs au Champ Magnétique Terrestre et au Changement Climatique...
Format papier Disponible sur Amazon - Format Kindle disponible en cliquant ici.
Since the discovery of the Pyramids, numerous disturbing questions about these constructions remained without answer. Neither scientific nor responsible society of government has been able to provide answers to the questions as:
"What did the Pyramids represent for our forefathers?"
"What are the final purposes of their construction?"
"Why were some built in certain places of the globe and not in others?"
"Wouldn't they, be bearers of a centennial transmission?"
Click here to watch a 28 minutes audio videos presenting some insights of the book !
264 pages, ISBN-10: 1492812161; ISBN-13: 978-1492812166, Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.6 inch, for adults & Teens. For bulk orders, please contact us for a discounted price.
Date of first publication: December 03, 2011; Second Edition With Illustrations : November 2013
Paperback (Now Available). Delivery Time (5-7) Business Days U.S.A : 1-2 Weeks for International
Available at Amazon by clicking here for Amazon ! Click here for Barnes & Noble Nook Book!
"This book is written for all who may wish to develop classical music programs for youth or adults: parents, educators, music lovers, students, politicians, organizations, managers, researchers and healers. The writings contained within offer inspiration for you to articulate your own beliefs about the power of music. They provide support in your quest to gain funding from patrons and grants, and in your efforts to inform and mobilize neighbors in your community...
According to history, the sound of music as it evolved through ancient civilizations may have profoundly affected their prosperity or downfall...
- Paperback: 176 pages - 1 Edition (April 7, 2015) - Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1511640863 - ISBN-13: 978-1511640862 Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
Available on Amazon! Click Here to read the first free pages or to order from Amazon
Depuis la découverte des Pyramides antiques jusqu'à aujourd'hui, de nombreuses questions troublantes relatives à ces édifices sont restées sans réponse. Aucune société scientifique ni responsable de gouvernement n’a été en mesure de fournir des réponses aux questions telles que :
• Que représentaient les Pyramides pour les anciens ?
• Quelles sont les finalités de leur construction ?
• Pourquoi ont-elles été édifiées dans certains endroits
du globe et pas d’autres ?
• Ne seraient-elles pas porteuses d’une transmission séculaire ?
* 230 Pages en Format Papier 6 x 9 ; Avec plus de 40 illustrations; Disponible sur commande (pour les U.S, l'Europe et le Canada. Date de livraison : 7-10 jours ouvrables.
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