A non-profit organization, the foundation works with highly skilled musicians whose goal is to encourage and make classical, new age and Celtic music available to under-privileged children. Through workshops, lessons, training, educational DVDs, and interactive concerts, these professionals are dedicated to educating the audience and students about the healing power of music and sound.
This humanitarian cause uphold the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (2011) (Adopted by the General Assembly, Resolution 66/137, A/RES/66/137, 19 December 2011) : Article 6
1. Human rights education and training should capitalize on and make use of new information and communication technologies, as well as the media, to promote all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
2. The arts should be encouraged as a means of training and raising awareness in the field of human rights.
I am the author of six (6) published books. One is entitled "The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions To Challenges Regarding The Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change." The second I've written is "The Power of Musical Sound: How Music Affects our State of Mind, Health and Society." And the last two titled "The Power of Music-An Anthology", and "The Challenge of A Message: From the United States to France and Switzerland, Tome 1". (Kindle) The most recent is, Covid-19 Chili Protein Vaccine: 100% effective & non-toxic from disease to cure - preventive and curative with immunity. (This book is also available in Japanese, German, Italian, Russia, French, Spanish, Portuguese)
The books are available on Amazon. A portion of the purchase is donated to the foundation cause, as well as to support the research of the foundation.
As a non-profit organization, the goal of the Classical Music For Children Foundation is to build awareness in children and parents as to the significance and effects (positive and negative) of music in our society.
To serve our mission, I wrote "The Power of Musical Sound: how music affects our state of mind, health and society" as a tool to spread the message of well-being through music around the globe. "The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions To Challenges Regarding The Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change," discusses what I've learned about the useful potential and purpose of the pyramids and is a top priority of our mission.
This book tells my investigations to uncover the secrets of the pyramid's true function and purpose on planet Earth. The book also reveals key scientific solutions to understand and potentially resolve the effects of planetary climate change due to the gradual collapse of the earth magnetic field... Both versions: English and French of the 1st revised editions with illustrations are now available, as well as their electronic version in Amazon stores worldwide and in Barnes and Noble.
To learn more about those books or to support our cause by purchasing copies, please visit our bookstore.
To visit my personal blog page, click on the following link: Founder Personal Blog Page
English Video Video Presentation of the Two books Vidéo Française
This humanitarian cause uphold the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (2011) (Adopted by the General Assembly, Resolution 66/137, A/RES/66/137, 19 December 2011) : Article 6
1. Human rights education and training should capitalize on and make use of new information and communication technologies, as well as the media, to promote all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
2. The arts should be encouraged as a means of training and raising awareness in the field of human rights.
I am the author of six (6) published books. One is entitled "The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions To Challenges Regarding The Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change." The second I've written is "The Power of Musical Sound: How Music Affects our State of Mind, Health and Society." And the last two titled "The Power of Music-An Anthology", and "The Challenge of A Message: From the United States to France and Switzerland, Tome 1". (Kindle) The most recent is, Covid-19 Chili Protein Vaccine: 100% effective & non-toxic from disease to cure - preventive and curative with immunity. (This book is also available in Japanese, German, Italian, Russia, French, Spanish, Portuguese)
The books are available on Amazon. A portion of the purchase is donated to the foundation cause, as well as to support the research of the foundation.
As a non-profit organization, the goal of the Classical Music For Children Foundation is to build awareness in children and parents as to the significance and effects (positive and negative) of music in our society.
To serve our mission, I wrote "The Power of Musical Sound: how music affects our state of mind, health and society" as a tool to spread the message of well-being through music around the globe. "The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions To Challenges Regarding The Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change," discusses what I've learned about the useful potential and purpose of the pyramids and is a top priority of our mission.
This book tells my investigations to uncover the secrets of the pyramid's true function and purpose on planet Earth. The book also reveals key scientific solutions to understand and potentially resolve the effects of planetary climate change due to the gradual collapse of the earth magnetic field... Both versions: English and French of the 1st revised editions with illustrations are now available, as well as their electronic version in Amazon stores worldwide and in Barnes and Noble.
To learn more about those books or to support our cause by purchasing copies, please visit our bookstore.
To visit my personal blog page, click on the following link: Founder Personal Blog Page
English Video Video Presentation of the Two books Vidéo Française
Why Music Education?
"A child can improve his auditory acuity and discrimination ability by playing a musical instrument...Playing musical instruments demand strict attention, mental discipline an acute listening from a child...By playing an instrument, a child is developing his fine motor skills...Playing an instrument involve the use of visual, and tactile abilities. Because of the use of different modalities, music is an effective aid in which to facilitate learning."
Penny F-MacCallum, Thesis 1980
Welcome! The foundation invites you to join our team of supporters an sponsors, facilitating changes in the education of the future leaders: our youth, through the soothing healing sound of classical, new age and Celtic music. In our Healing New Age Music CD store, Classical Music Cd store, and Chamber and Symphony Music Cd store, as well as DVD store, you will find the best uplifting and relaxing national and international soothing music of piano, harp, flute, violin, viola, cello, guitar, clarinet, etc, along with other sounds of nature for you to experience.
"Music is an important factor in achieving intellectual virtue, which is the ultimate end of education."
-Plato & Aristotle- By Schullian
Penny F-MacCallum, Thesis 1980
Welcome! The foundation invites you to join our team of supporters an sponsors, facilitating changes in the education of the future leaders: our youth, through the soothing healing sound of classical, new age and Celtic music. In our Healing New Age Music CD store, Classical Music Cd store, and Chamber and Symphony Music Cd store, as well as DVD store, you will find the best uplifting and relaxing national and international soothing music of piano, harp, flute, violin, viola, cello, guitar, clarinet, etc, along with other sounds of nature for you to experience.
"Music is an important factor in achieving intellectual virtue, which is the ultimate end of education."
-Plato & Aristotle- By Schullian